Philology Fix


#philologydust #ovid #metamorphoses

Pyramus dies with blood that spurts like a Roman sewer:

et iacuit resupinus humo: cruor emicat alte, non aliter, quam cum vitiato fistula plumbo scinditur et tenui stridente foramine lognas eiaculatur aquas atque ictibus aera rumpit.

Here's Raeburn: As he lay stretched out on the earth, his blood leapt up in a long jet, just as a spurt from a waterpipe, bursting because of its faulty leadwork, gushes out through a tiny crack to create a hissing fountain of water and cuts the air with its impact.


#philologydust #ovid #metamorphoses #etiology

inde genus durum sumus experiensque laborum et documenta damus, qua simus origine nati.

From this we are a hard race, tried in work and we bear the brand of being birthed from this source.